
A leap of joy sprang forth
And a Nation’s toy was borne
Over the lips
Of every girl and boy
An archaeological jewel
Had been dusted down
To guide a way forward
and remove our frown
However let us be merry
The process should scurry
A spirit of forgiveness
Should unhinge the difference
of souls who have seen the light
Bridges need to be built
Of such might
To span the horizon
And very Heaven
When Love’s footsteps tap
Our history may be bartered on the contours of a map
Our energy should not sap
The very elements of nature
Have been kind to us this year
Festivities and Parties
Flush blood through the arteries
Let each day unfold
May our generosity be bold
There are prizes to be won
In an atmosphere of fun
We never dare go back
So keep us on the track
The past may have scarred
The lessons learn’t were hard
Mistakes should be admitted
Let’s hope and pray that the
Pattern of achieval
Removes the medieval

Copyright Brendan G Quinn (later recited and recorded with music 1999)